Transcript Aural English Listening To Numbers
Selasa, 01 Januari 2019
Add Comment - Hai sobat kampret ku .. lah, males basa basi ..
Kalo kamu masih nyari jawaban buat aural english , monggo di cicip ..
Untuk soal latihan listening nya, filenya bisa di download disini >>> disitu
Untuk Transkript nya , bisa dilihat dibawah ini ..
Kalo kamu masih nyari jawaban buat aural english , monggo di cicip ..
Untuk soal latihan listening nya, filenya bisa di download disini >>> disitu
Untuk Transkript nya , bisa dilihat dibawah ini ..
1) A can of soda costs a dollar ninety nine
2) The hot dogs are a dollar eighty eight each or 3
for five dollars
3) This new pair of shoes cost me ninety eight dollars
and ninety nine cents and my new cap was thirty seven dollars and fifty
nine cents
4) I have one
thousand fifty dollars and seventy three cents left in my bank
5) That family won the lottery jackpot! They won three
million five hundred thousand dollars
6) They donated fifty grant to their favorite charity!
7) The father bought a new speed boat for seventy five
thousand five hundred dollars
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